Managed Print in Columbia, SC

When assessing your IT and how you are allocating your budget, print can often get left behind. Part of the reason is because print has a vast number of seemingly insignificant charges, but when they add up, it can grow to a substantial number.

If you have a toner cartridge that was bought last month, and it is simply a $99 cartridge, is it really even worth the time to try and manage? Even if you have 20 printers, and 10 toners were bought last month, it will still seem like a very small number in the grand scheme of things.

This issue happens when there is a maintenance kit series needed, and lots of labor, where it balloons in that month. The issues with print are the costs and the frustrations that build up, like using a credit card too much can do to your budget. The little bit here and there, along with a bigger issue every year or two, can make the cost of printing much more than you think it is.

This is what managed print is for. When you have a fleet of laser printers, part of the job of the managed print provider is to ensure your company knows exactly what it is you really spend on your printers, down to the penny.

If you are not sure what print is costing, one way to start the process of considering managed print is to schedule an assessment. The assessment will give you amazing insights into what your company is doing with print, what it really costs, and if it is worth really digging in and having a formal managed print program.

You may find you have double the number of printers you thought, or that you have 50 toners on the shelf you had no idea about. It is possible you’ll find it’s been going amazingly well, and that is good too. Ultimately, having visibility allows you to make the important choices you need to make as they pertain to your printers.

Give us a call to chat about managed print services in Columbia!

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