Managed Print in Hattiesburg
Are you chatting with companies about getting a managed print plan put in place? We talk to many C-level individuals, and when we bring up the fact we do managed print, we hear these people ask, “You mean you sell toners?”
Managed print is about a lot more than simply selling toner cartridges. Really, when we do our job correctly, the amount of toner companies purchase is reduced, not increased. We are not in the business of simply selling toner like a big box store might focus on.
If We Aren’t Selling Toner, What Are We Selling?
Rather than looking at what we do as selling toner, we believe what we sell is efficiency, transparency, and control as it relates to print in your company. We are not worried as much about getting your toner cartridge from $89 to $84 per toner. That is a small, marginal savings. Granted, if you buy 1,000 a month, this is significant.
Our question would be “How can we make that toner last two months rather than one month?” We are concerned about helping you look at metrics that will get the real savings you would like to have. But to do that, we generally try to help you control print with rules, driver defaults, and Follow Me printing.
We see our job as critical for efficiency when you consider how most organizations print. Most companies have printers spread all over, and if you need to print, you choose a printer near you and print to it.
With an effective print management plan here in Hattiesburg, it becomes possible to print to ANY printer your company owns at any time. This reduces print waste, and makes it so no printer becomes absolutely mission-critical. All printers become useable by your company.
If you would like to discuss managed print for your Hattiesburg company, give us a call today!
Services Available in Hattiesburg, MS
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