Managed Print in Knoxville
Running a company budget can be a lot like running a household budget. With a house you will have the major expenses like the mortgage, electricity, food, cars, clothes, kids’ activities, phones, etc. If you skip an item, like healthcare, for example, suddenly the budget can be way off and make it much more stressful for the family.
Print is similar for many companies. You have costs in the business like buildings, staff, marketing, cars, phones, computers, but if one major expense is left out of the budget, like printers, it can cause issues with a company’s budget. If you have a fleet of printers, this is a cost center that needs visibility.
We see companies with 10+ printers making this mistake, thinking it very unlikely prints will cost too much. This would be similar to leaving out healthcare in the family budget, assuming everyone will remain healthy this year. If one item has the potential to create stress on a budget, it needs to be tracked.
How Can Printing Costs Get Out of Hand?
One of the easiest ways for printing costs to get out of hand is when offices are not centralized. If all printers are in one office, it is typical for one person to handle all of the supplies and service ordering. When devices are spread across sites or cities, this task can be decentralized, and each person gets different deals. Some of these could end up in bad or unnecessary spending.
We believe the cost of print for your Knoxville, Morristown or Sevierville company should be understood before prints are made, with actionable plans if the budget gets off course (generally because the printer begins to break too often, or toner costs go up.)
This is where we help companies. We make it crystal clear how much each printer is costing, how much color and black-and-white each device is doing, and what can be done to control these costs and keep the printer running at all times to avoid downtime.
Give us a call if you would like to chat more about managed print in Knoxville.

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